Monday, October 5, 2009

Ads are important!

After learning about the different visual rhetorical techniques used in advertisements, I have come to find that ads are a lot more important than I thought they were. They are not just some random thing that companies make to get their buyers to buy their products. They use the ads for a purpose. Before learning about these techniques, I would flip through magazines skipping a lot of the ads and only reading the articles. Now when flipping through magazines, I tend to focus a lot more of my attention on the ads. I look at the colors, the pictures, and the words. I try find out what the message is that the ad is trying to get out. I notice that a lot of the ads that I thought were kind of weird looking or pointless, are actually the ones that I focus on more now.

Also from learning about visual rhetorical techniques, I find myself looking a lot more at signs and ads when I am shopping. I try to see if the product being shown in the ad is really worth buying based on how the ad portrayed it. By doing so, I found myself not wanting to buy a lot of the products that I used to. By learning about the different techniques advertisers use, it has made me realize that ads are a lot more important than what people think they are. They aren’t just some random thing that advertisers make to get their customers to buy their products.

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