Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I admit to habit #10. I find myself in the same situation as many students in college. I have to find the balance with all my extra-curricular activities. I work full time, go to school and have lots of physical training. I always write my essay papers as soon as I can figure out what my topic is. So I think that when I have a legitimate topic, I actually just start writing. I usually have a direction in mind of where I want to take my paper. But as life has it for me, I never really finish my paper on the first sitting at writing it. I try to write as much as possible at home, and then I just send it to my work computer. I pull up my paper to continue where I left off. I really only have 10-15 minutes here and there to write while at work. After about a few days or so, I usually have a decent 1st draft. It’s not perfect of course, but I am satisfied with it. Until I have someone correct it, then it gets demolished! This habit just works for me because I know when I have lulls in my day; I can always find something productive to do. This method is probably not the most efficient, in fact, I would like to be able to just write freely and not worry about being correct with everything. I like to be somewhat of a perfectionist and get it done all at once. I know my grammar is not optimal, nor is my use of words. That’s why I would like to be less picky and just write so I can get all my ideas on paper and then just figure it out later with someone to correct it. Little by little I guess.

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