Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Forever Long Search

It was really hard for me to find a good opinion paper. I wanted to write about something that was interesting to me. I have found that I write a lot better if I am interested in what I am writing about. I searched everywhere for days trying to find something that I could stand maybe writing about. I eventually found something. It wasn't what I was hoping for but the paper is well written. The writer seemed to have a hard time writing it though because she was trying to put too much into her paper. The ideas she had were good enough but it seemed to kind of be all over the place at times. But as a whole I think I can make the paper work to my advantage and turn it into something good. Hopefully. I am still working on it sad to say.

The paper I am writing about talks about things people worry about when they don't really make up that much of a percentage. If you look at it as a whole the deaths caused from animals isn't even comparable to those caused by suicide or even disease. I think the author makes a good point on this. We should be more worried about disease that is one of the top leading causes of death compared to the hundreds maybe thousands of deaths from animals. Suicide is actually in the top five causes of death worldwide and this was amazing to me. I like learning things like that because it really gets me thinking. It helps me apply it to real life situations.

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