Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Child Sexual Abuse

I really like my opinionated peice on child sexual abuse. It was the perfect paper to find for this essay because I haven't been wanting to write the paper at all. It has definitly been a tough journey. I think what attracted me to this article was the fact that it had to do with children. Being a pre school teacher and now a high school teacher aide, I have always had a passion for children. It seems to interest me the most because i would like to be a mother someday and so it pulls my attention when I see horrifying titles like, "child abuse" or "child sexual abuse" . Some rhetorical moves that worked on me was using words like "abuse" or "innocent". I believe no innocent child should ever have to go through abuse but it happens. However, what didn't work for me is the fact that this guy wrote all about not forgiving your blood related attacker. I don't believe that. I think you shouldn't have to make them, but just encourage it because you wouldn't want them to carry that grudge later on in life because it can leave to some pretty serious things. My heart goes for the children who have to suffer such great ordeals. I guess pathos is what struck me the most. When I think about children, I have so much emotion whether it is good, bad, happy, or sad. Well i should probably get back to writing my peice now seeing that is due by next monday. I hope you all enjoyed my blog. bye.

1 comment:

  1. Gee, that sounds terrible! i hate hearing about children getting molested and taken advantage of. It sickens me to my stomach to see reports on little kids being raped on the news etc. =(
