Monday, October 26, 2009

My feelings on the opinion peice.

I am just blogging away because we do have to have five extra blogs of our own to come up with before the semester is over so I decided I was going to blog about our last assignment and that was our opinion peice and response to it. I enjoyed this assignment because I actually love having other peoples opinions on everything in my life. So when I heard we had to write and response to someone's opinion on a certain subject, I was enlightened and excited! Although i didn't agree with everything the author of the article had to say, he made some really good points and opened my eyes up to quite a few things on child sexual abuse. It was actually a pretty emotional article for me cause he used some facts very blunty and even used a picture which was sad to see. I am sickened by child sexual abusers here int his world. They are sick and need help. I don't understand how anyone could ever do that to an innocent human being. Seriously it makes me so upset, I have never had so many knots in my stomach at once. Anywho, I would just like to say I had a great time writing this paper and I hope I get a good grade on this paper. It has actually been the first one I really enjoyed writing on. Well i guess that is all for now. See ya.

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