Monday, November 30, 2009

I need to think out loud so I figure I would express it on here. I was reviewing the information that I received from the group critique and I have summed up that I am not as close to being finished as I had hoped to be. My thesis and /or my argument aren’t as strong as I thought. I have looked over my paper and I have already changed so much about what my argument really is. I was hoping not to concede to a boring argument, but it may look like I have to choice. My argument seems to be more subjective because I can’t seem to choose what I want to argue about in the first place. So now I have to choose the direction I want to take my paper. I have received so many ideas and suggestions and I’ve found more sources to help with my topic, but everywhere I look I’m only finding information about dividing my topic into 2 categories. The 2 topics I don’t want to mention on here shows the direction that I didn’t want to take in the beginning. I’m still doing research, and maybe if I just hold out longer and keep looking I just might stumble across info that may support a direction that I will prove more interesting.
From this final paper, I understood it to be somewhat similar to the two sided argument paper from a couple months ago. Having the information from both sides of the argument to explain the pros and cons of each. When I was trying to formulate my argument for this final paper, I was having trouble trying to figure out what the arguments actually were. I was thinking about how to incorporate the rhetorical strategies as much as possible. From my research, I came to the realization that Logos would be my strongest point. I had statistics from my surveys that I passed around and I was pleased with the information that I received. I was still having a problem with my argument. I still don’t think my argument is as solid as I want it to be right now. That is definitely what I need to fix. I did quite a bit of research on my topic and there still doesn’t seem to be enough information to help out my small argument. I feel that my paper is mostly statistics and I’m just talking about what the survey responses are. Maybe I should give myself a little credit, I was able to go in a direction that is pretty solid. My responses that I received are my favorite parts of my research and my paper. I was having fun incorporating the different percentages in my paper. I came to a weak conclusion that because the percentages are so diverse, no 1 preference is the only preference.

Why is everyone else so excited?

So...through my hall roaming here at Utah Valley, I've encountered many advertisements such as posters, banners, etc. Why is it that when someone is making a sign they feel the need to use fifteen consecutive exclaimation points? It doesn't excite me to see a sign that reads "HUGE DANCE PARTY TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", it makes me feel like I'm being yelled at. If someone actually spoke to me with that much enthusiasm, I'd either run away or punch them in the face. Whatever happened to just one good old fashioned exclaimation point? It serves it's purpose on it's own, it doesn't need any help. "HUGE DANCE PARTY TONIGHT!" is wonderfully sufficient to grab the attention of your readers, it doesn't need six more companions to do it's job. Am I the only crabby person who feels this way? Or are there other excessive exclaimation point haters out there? I just beg my sign and poster making peers; please, stop being so excited.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I know that we haven’t talked about visual rhetorical techniques for awhile, but I still find myself thinking about this topic. Last week, when I went to the mall I happened to walk past the store Hollister. After walking in and looking around, I don’t think that this store uses visual rhetorical techniques in an effective way. The store is sort of built to look like a shack that is being rained upon. The colors and lights are dark and it doesn’t look very inviting. It also seems as if the store draws people away rather than welcoming them. Before I knew what products were sold at this store, I told myself I was never going to shop there because I got the image that the store was for the goth/emo type (sort of like Hot Topic), which I do not like. After all, wouldn’t you do the same? I mean I would much rather shop at a store that is warm and inviting with lots of bright colors rather than some sad and gloomy looking store that tends to drive me away. After learning more about the items that the store sells though, I finally talked myself into going inside and I bought a few items. Personally I think that Hollister should have designed their store differently with a lot more bright colors and lights. This way the store looks more inviting and it is not shying away potential customers, which is how the way they are presenting the store is doing now.

Research Paper

When Dr. Westover mentioned that we would be writing a research paper, I got a little nervous. Research papers are always hard for me to write and I never enjoy writing them. Starting the whole process for my paper was difficult. I started out with the topic of hunger and poverty in the United States. After searching for books, articles, and other research materials I didn’t find a lot of helpful information about the topic. I ended up switching my topic to whether or not daycare centers should be required to be licensed or not. I thought this topic would be a good choice because I have worked in daycare centers before, and I am interested in this subject. I searched for many hours about that subject and once again I didn’t find enough useful information. I was so frustrated, stressed, and overwhelmed by that point that I just wanted to give up. After talking about my frustrations with my mom, she suggested that I write my paper on the controversies about whether or not vaccination should be mandatory. I liked her suggestion because it is something I care about and have been questioning lately. Also since that topic is being discussed a lot lately with the H1N1 vaccination, I knew that I would most likely find a lot of information about it. Ultimately, I decided I would write my paper about this topic. I searched for information and ended up finding a lot of useful materials. I am now excited to write this paper and I am not so overwhelmed and frustrated.

A blog of my choosing,

I saw this commercial last night at the movies. It was for the National Guard and it came on just before the movie started. Just a side note, how dare they put commercials on before the movie? I like the movie previews, but commercials, didn't I pay to watch this movie? I guess nothing stops the continued search for new revenue streams. Anyhow, I digress... This commercial was awesome. The rhetoric was very strong. The background music, the images, inspiring to say the least. After the commercial was over, I wanted to run straight to my local recruiter's office... I'm not going to sign up, but I have a healthy respect for the way that commercial was put together. The marketing person or persons behind that thing deserve a promotion, or a least a raise. It's interesting how much more I notice the rhetoric that I'm bombarded with these days, and how I recognize it for what it is instead of blindly accepting it as just another commercial. I wonder how many commercials (on average) I see on a daily basis. Amongst the crowd of substandard rhetoric this one from the National Guard really stood out with its highly effective use of rhetorical strategy. Well played National Guard. Please continue to keep our military strong. I'm not going to join your ranks, but it was a good try playing upon my emotions with this well put together commercial.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My last blog.

I am proud to say that that is my last blog. I feel I have done really well at these blogs considering I am typing my last blog today and it is November 11, 2009. Wahoo! Well i got my papers back that were corrected and I had a B- on one of them which was kind of discouraging for me cause I have never scored below a B+ on a paper so now I am feeling a little nervous about my research paper. I worked my butt of on my research paper's rough draft so hopefully when all is said and done, ill end up getting a good grade on our research assignment. I stress about a good grade because I am applying for a nursing program where nothing but A's look good on someones application in nursing. Also, nursing is a very competitive feild. Anywho, I feel that my paper is coming along rather well. I got into the writing lab tomorrow at one o clock so hopefully I have a good tutor who can really critique my paper cause I want and need this paper to be absolutely spectacular! I spent three hours last night in the library just trying to add little things onto my paper so hopefully that will also pay off. I have my rough draft done today, so hopefully it will put a smile on my teachers face when I walk in today because I am terrible at having rough drafts done on time. I just have too much going on usually. Well class starts here in the next half hour so I will see you all there! yay for my last blog!! Had fun on this thing.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

writing habits

I find that talking about my ideas is the most helpful habit for me. I enjoy healthy discussion in order to clarify ideas and understand what others view points are. Although if a discussion moves towards an argument it is no longer helpful and time to move on. I understand what methods work for me although I don't always follow the same methods for each paper. Depending on my motivation of interest, some papers are easier to write and I don't always have to follow the same steps. One thing i learned and continue to work on is that the first draft doesn't have to be good. To let go and not worry about order, grammer, spelling, and such. If I can let go I can I can get ideas down and progress from there. I always have to write my first draft by hand if i try to type it on the computer I focus to much on all the marks and find it harder to let go and write. I do need to work on time management so I don't get over whelmed and have more time to prosses thought and work through the kinks

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Too Much...

Sometimes don't you feel like there is too much to do in a day? Well maybe everyday do you feel like that? Yeah me too. Today after working my 8 hour shift I came home and got straight onto the computer to start doing more work related things and homework. Although it seems like something to complain about, I don't really mind. Sometimes its better to have so much to do than nothing to do at all. When I don't have anything to do at all I get all stressed out and start feeling like crap. Although, where do you draw the line? I'm only talking about two things that everyone deals with everyday. School and work. Now, I do have a whole lot of other things I'm trying to balance, but they are for the most part all connected with school or work. I'm trying to record music, I'm trying to get future jobs and living figured out, I'm trying to get my essay prepared and written, while trying to please the social life that I once had. Whatever though. I don't totally mind right now. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed, but sometimes you've just gotta buck up and take it on in the face. Get over it. It'll all work out in the end. So find something to do and enjoy it. Learn from it while your still in the moment. If you don't have to work for it, it sure ain't worth it...

Monday, November 2, 2009

A typical day in english class..

So I must say that in english today I felt quite retarded. I guess I just cant accept the fact that this paper is up to me and there are no rules. I feel like there should be certain requirements for my research paper but I have all the freedom I want to write this paper. Now I am a bit more comfortable about it because when there are no rules, I can write longer essays so I guess it benifits me in a lot of ways. This is our last paper so I am just nervous and would like a really good grade on it. Anywho, today has been quite the stressful day. I registered for classes and I am really nervous. I have way hard classes next semester, and I just hope with school and work at the same time, I can get it all done and get the A's that I want. When you are majoring in nursing, you definitley have to be committed to school or good luck. The one thing I am not stressed out about is my mom is paying for school so I feel thankful that I don't have to worry about any loans! I am flippen lucky! I am taking Psychology 1100, Biology 1010, and math 1010 which people say Biology is hard but I am not letting their comments get to me because I know if I go in fearing the class, I won't do near as good. Well it is about time that I end this blog now because I have to head to Nutrtion 1020 all the way in spanish fork. Yeah I know, it is fun stuff. Blog to ya later!

10 Habits

I think that I possess the second habit that is addressed in the reading: thinking rhetorically , from the start. It helps me in the writing process because I envision my paper and how I want people to react to it before I start writing. I make a game plan, if you will, for writing. Sometimes if I have a certain story or experience that relates to my topic I will stick it right in the beginning and plan the rest of the paper around it. I think a habit I need to work on is number 5, reducing your expectations for early drafts. I don't like writing four drafts of the same paper, I want to write it once, and fix things as I go along. In the end I think that attitude holds me back a litte because I get somewhat narrow minded about the things I've put in my first draft. I feel obligated to keep them in my paper, when I probably shouldn't. I just need to stop being such a high achiever ;)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

10 writing habits

The habit that I already possess is number 8. Exchange drafts with others. My sister is amazing when it comes to writing so I always have her correct my paper for me. She has me write it how I want it and then she tells me what she thinks I should do and then I will fix it. It takes her about an hour to write a 4 pg paper and it takes me about 3 days. I'm not good at writing, grammar, or spelling, so she is nice enough to clean up the mess I have made of the paper. It helps me a lot while I'm writing my paper to know that its ok if it sounds retarded because my sister and whoever else reads it will help me change things that I don't notice are wrong. The habit I would like to try out is number 2. Thinking rhetorically from the start. I don't really think about what effect I want to have on readers. I just write and see how it turns out and than I rearrange as I need to. So my next paper I write, I'm going to try to use this habit and see how well it helps me.

blog of my choice

I can honestly say that I hate the writing center. I know, hate is a strong word but it's true. They aren't helpful and they act like snobs. I'm not trying to rip on the assignment but every time I go there I get so frustrated. The first time I went the guy that helped me MADE me read him my paper. AWKWARD!!! He would stop me and ask me what I thought I could do to make it sound better. Isn't that his job? The best part was that he didn't even know how to spell a few of the words so I had to go home and correct everything an extra time. I went to the writing center again the other day and I didn't have a chance to make it there until the day it was due so I politely told her that she didn't have to put too much work into it because I had already finished and done my final draft and that I didn't have time to change anything else. She looked at me, gave me this pissed off face, signed my paper, and told me "I'm not going to waste time reading it than." Well geez, sorry to waste your time lady! Anyway, I'm not looking forward to going back but I know it needs to be done. I'll just suck it up, bite my tongue, and take there useless information for what it is worth.