Monday, November 2, 2009

10 Habits

I think that I possess the second habit that is addressed in the reading: thinking rhetorically , from the start. It helps me in the writing process because I envision my paper and how I want people to react to it before I start writing. I make a game plan, if you will, for writing. Sometimes if I have a certain story or experience that relates to my topic I will stick it right in the beginning and plan the rest of the paper around it. I think a habit I need to work on is number 5, reducing your expectations for early drafts. I don't like writing four drafts of the same paper, I want to write it once, and fix things as I go along. In the end I think that attitude holds me back a litte because I get somewhat narrow minded about the things I've put in my first draft. I feel obligated to keep them in my paper, when I probably shouldn't. I just need to stop being such a high achiever ;)

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