Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas Vacation!!!

Im so excited for Christmas I can hardly stand it. It will be so good to just relax for two seconds and do something that I want to do. Not something that usually happens. What is going to happen is im going to sleep most of it away because i need sleep and then before I know it it will be time to go back to dreaded school and work. Well I guess I will be having to work over this short but needed break. I even have to work on Christmas and New Years Day. How lame is that? I will only get to spend like one day, Christmas Eve, with family. *Sigh* It sucks being from Delta. I hardly ever get to see my family, once in a blue moon. Oh well I should just stop complaining and be thankful for everything that I have. I am. I just like to complain I guess. HA HA. I should just be thankful that I have a family and something to go home to for Christmas or just in general. Not everyone has that. Its just hard living up here alone not knowing anyone and not having many friends. Don't get me wrong even if i had friends I wouldn't be able to do anything hardly ever. But it would still be nice. Oh well I guess thats my fault. I would if I put out the effort to make some. I just don't have the energy. I just need to be positive. I will be...eventually....

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