Monday, December 14, 2009

White Water

WOW what a great you tube show that Scott had found. I was thinking how beautiful that the river was. The thrill of excitement of being in the kiak and shooting down the waterfalls. This definitely would take someone that is a daredevil at heart. I KNOW that I am way to much of a chicken to do anything like that. But watching someone else do it is exciting. I have been river rafting with my friends and family and it is great fun. We have experienced some real heart stopping events but we all lived to tell story after story about our rafting experiences. How I wish that I was more adventurous. The older I get the more chicken I become with adventure. I went tubing last winter and almost couldn't even tube because I was scared of getting hurt. My kids called me names and now I'm known to them as the biggest chicken ever.

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