Monday, December 14, 2009


So I went to one of those Chinese food tastings here at UVU, and let me say, it was pretty tasty!! HAHAHA! The food was fabulous! The chefs did a really good job and I applaud them for all the preparation that they did. Visually, the food was appealing therefore making it a rhetorical strategy. Who wants to eat food that you've never had if it doesn't look appetizing to you? That's one thing that's essential for most cooking. Take Iron Chef America for example, one of the criteria they're judged on is is plating design. I've seen many of the battles lost because of the plating not being as strong as the other competitors plating. It's only natural that we eat stuff that appeals to us. If not, then, we must either already know what it tastes like and not care, or all the other senses tell us it's tasty!!! I'm sure there's other reasons, but I can't think of them right now....Anyhoo, I particularly liked the rice dish that I ate....I don't remember what it was called, but it sure was tasty! The best rice that I've ever had! Mmmm-mmm!!!! :D The next time UVU has something like this, I recommend that you guys try it! It was fantastic! Yummy!!!

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