Saturday, December 5, 2009


There is so much pressure on the us today for our bodies to be in prime condecision. Don't get me wrong I like being in shape and fit, its just that I feel that I never have enough time to go to the gym and constantly workout. My roomate seems to find time everyday. He tells me that its his only way to get all of his energy out. He says that it helps him focus on school work if he goes to the gym for 30 mins each day. I hate trying to go to the gym because I always feel real good the first time going back but the next time I ask myself why am I doing this. I talk myself into leaving early and not working out as hard as I should. I guess I'm just not that motivated and I don't get motivated by just going to the gym. The way I get my best workouts is from playing sports like soccer and football and snowboarding and tumbling. These are all great ways to stay fit but they just don't get you stronger. This a problem that I have and I'm sure many other people can agree with me.

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