Monday, December 14, 2009

I hope I'll make it.

No one ever told me how hard finals would be. Its not just the test that make it hard, its all the studying and stress from them. It is so hard to even fit in the studying for them. I work a full time job....allllllll weekend long so my weekends are gone. I mean I always have these good intentions to study or do homework after work but working 6AM-630PM it really wears you out. I never can convince myself to do it. Im always too tired. Then during the week I go to school Monday- Thursday so I try to do as much as I can then but its like I just wanna do something fun that doesn't invole school or work for a minute. or sleep....which I never get to do.... So then i convince myself oh you can do it tomorrow finals aren't for a couple weeks...well here we are finals week and I haven't done much studying. So im stressing out bad. I am in a bad mood and I just can't wait for it to be over and done with... It is this circle of never ending school work that I can't get away from. Never never never take 16 credit hours and try working full will kill you like it has me.... Next semester will hopefully be better and I can have a normal functional life...I hope. Precastination is never a good way to stresses you out, and then if you are like me you just shut down and do anything because you can't handle the stress. Never good.

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