Friday, December 4, 2009

Writting Lab Dilemna

Okay, I will admit it, I have been procrastinating going to the Writing Lab. So last week I decided that I would finally go. I called to schedule an appointment and they said that the only available time they had was on Thursday at 3:00. I decided that this time would work for me and signed up. Well Thursday came and I woke up feeling sick. I knew that I needed to go to the lab, but there was no way I was going to make it feeling as ill as I did. I called the lab once again and asked if I could switch my appointment to Friday or Saturday. Now here is the problem, since it is almost the ends of the semester, many students also need to go the Writing Lab, so they were totally booked! I asked if they had any opening for the following Monday and as fate has it, they said they didn’t know yet and that I should call back on Friday when they would have their Monday schedule available. So on Friday I called first thing in the morning. I tried three times and I ended up getting voice mail each time. Finally on the fourth attempt someone finally picked up and I got another appointment made. Let’s all pray that something won’t come up that will make me unable to make it again! Here is my advice, if you know you have to go to the Writing Lab, don’t wait until the last minute to do so.

1 comment:

  1. I don't love the writing lab...sometimes I feel like the students in there don't really value my opinion. After all, it is my paper they're destroying, and I wrote it a certain way for a reason. I feel like all they want to do is morph it into a paper that they would have written, instead of taking my writing style into consideration. While I'm confident that they are all very intelligent and are quite magnificent writers, it's MY paper. I'm a good writer too...but I don't believe they think that. I know they're just there to help, but sometimes they're help is a little bit...unhelpful. Is that even a word?
