Monday, December 14, 2009

Most of my trips to the writing center have been positive experiences.

Nearly all of my trips to the writing center have been good experiences. All but the last trip. I did not have a pleasant time with my last writing center tutor. I don't think she liked my paper much. After berating me for 20 minutes about my overuse of commas, she gave me a printout on the proper use of a comma and basically told me to piss off. I left the writing center that day a little disheartened and confused. I thought I had what was shaping up to be a pretty good paper. At least she had given me some feedback to work with, and I did go through my paper and take out some of the commas. It was a strange experience to say the least. At first I got the impression that she was a little bit attracted to me, and that she was trying to impress me by showing me how much she could help me with my paper. Then at some point I think she decided that I was an idiot and that she didn't like my paper. All of my other trips to the writing center have been really cool. Out of the four different writing center employees that I've had review my papers, three out of four have been very helpful. For the most part I have enjoyed my time at the writing center. Well that's all I have for this blog. Cya

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