Friday, December 18, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Carols, Class, and Friendships
Last Blog
Dear Semester, be over...
What Makes Me Happy :]
After listening to Alecia’s presentation on happiness, it got me thinking about what makes me happy. I decided to compile a list of a few things that make me happy:
Balloons. Pancakes on rainy days. Accidental bodily functions (when it’s not happening to me). Blue nail polish. The “help, I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up!” commercials. Christmas music. Tepenyaki. When people look me in the eye and smile. Falling asleep after a long day. Car rides with my favorite play list. Eating popsicles in a bubble bath. Babies smiling at me from across the room. Laughing til I cry. Crying til I laugh.The movie “What Happens in Vegas”. Walking into a warm house after being out in the cold. The line that makes an ‘O’ a ‘Q’. Rainbows in the middle of a storm. Spongebob Squarepants. My darling boyfriend. Cinnamon gum. Full moons. Dancing with my heart. Reading love letters from the 1800’s. Junior bacon cheeseburgers. Watching my best friend with narcolepsy fall over. So You Think You Can Dance. People getting hurt (but not too hurt). The smell of cookies in the oven. Text messages that say I love you. John Mayer. New shoes. Sandwiches that were made with love. Big hugs. Helping someone with a problem that only I can fix. Taking pictures. Christmas lights. Buying presents I know will make the recipient so happy! Getting letters in the mail with my name handwritten on the envelope. Kisses kisses kisses. Clean teeth. And my family :]
White Water
Elderly Drivers
Home schooling
Finally I can blog
I Had Good Intentions.
Through fifteen minutes of reading the fine print on our copy, we discovered that we can go to the cooperate office in Orem within the next 4 days to cancel our membership's. So I'm still fat, and missing $20, but I feel much better :]
My final paper
Alicias Presentaion
Christmas Spirit
The writing center..
Christmas Vacation!!!
I hope I'll make it.
I dislike blogs
writing lab
I wrote my final paper on homeschooling, and whether or not it’s the best option for a child’s education. Homeschooling may give you more power of curriculum, however; homeschooling puts added stress onto the family, deprives the child of social interactions, and life lessons that can only be taught through experiences offered in classroom structured schooling systems. Here is my genre translation I presented to the class. It’s a picture I took to exaggerate the point that homeschooling is not the best form of education.
Home School
A summarized summary, then my strong response.
In Roy Blount Jr's op-ed article “The Kindle Swindle?” posted on the New York Times website on February 24, 2009, Author's Guild president Roy Blount Jr asserts that authors are entitled to some sort of compensation “a fair share”(Blount) for the value that text-to-speech brings to Amazon's 2nd generation e-book reader the Kindle 2. Roy describes the Kindle 2 as a wireless paperback-size portable e-book reader. He states that Amazon does pay royalties for books under copyright, but the Kindle 2 can read books aloud with it's text-to-speech software and Amazon is not currently paying anything extra(any extra royalties) for providing this service to its customers. Roy says that Amazon is selling the Kindle 2 e-book titles as an e-book and audio book rolled up together, something that is not usually done because the value of audio books far surpass that of e-books. He also states that “audio books are a billion-dollar market, and growing”(Blount), and that the revenue from audio book sales helps to keep authors and publishers afloat.
Although Roy makes a strong argument for extra royalties from Amazon for the text-to-speech functionality of their Kindle 2 e-book reader, his view is antiquated, short sided, and lacking a sense of open-mindedness and adaptation needed to excel in this constantly changing technological landscape.
Technology can and will continue to change the face of commerce, and creative professionals (authors included) must adapt if they are to survive. Roy makes mention that there are a lot of ways for “not getting paid that new technology affords authors”(Blount). With all the ways writers are not getting paid, I see new ways for writers to make money. For example, a writer of skilled prose could make cash providing rhetoric for various websites, or they can create their own website if they were so inclined. A well designed website, with strong rhetoric, and fresh and entertaining content will draw in crowds of visitors. This opens new doors of revenue generation from advertisements, and from affiliate links, which are links from your website to product or service provided on another website.
Roy's view is antiquated and short sided. He sees the Kindle 2's text-to-speech functionality as a violation of copyright law, encroaching on the territory currently held by audio books. I see a technology that has been around for least 15 years, and that doesn't violate copyright law in so much as no new publication is being created by it. A new publication would incur new expenses in it's creation. There is the cost of hiring a professional reader like Jim Dale, and the cost of creation and distribution of the medium(the audio book). Roy sees this billion-dollar industry, the audio book market, posed to be taken down by this technological advancement called tech-to-speech.
Roy makes a persuasive argument. His article is well organized and written, by a man who understands good rhetoric. He establishes his ethos by stating his position as the president of the Authors Guild. With his references to how his guild is being assailed by the National Federation of the Blind, he draws empathy from the reader. He does a good job of bringing readers that may not know what the Kindle 2 is up to speed with a quick description of the device. He supports the viability and listenability of the Kindle 2 with his reference to how pleasant the voices of the Kindle 2 sound, and by saying that the Kindle 2's text-to-speech software can compare to the “dulcet resonance of Jim Dale”(Blount).
The current state of the Kindle 2's text-to-speech software is sub-par when compared to a professional commercial reading by a real human. I don't own a Kindle 2, but I did find a sample of both of the text-to-speech voices of the Kindle 2 out on the net. After listening to the sample of the male and female voices of the kindle 2, I found them dry and lacking. I haven't listened to a whole lot of different audio books. Looking back, I could count the audio books that I have listened to on my fingers. But as I listened to the voices of the Kindle 2, I found myself longing for a true audio book with a real human reading the text and instilling the prose with inflection and character.
Roy's position on this matter is close-minded. He pleas for extra money when nothing extra is being created. The need for something extra (like an audio book) is being undermined by this evolving software called text-to-speech. As text reading software develops into something more palatable, it may eliminate the audio book market entirely. We mustn't fight technological advancements, we must embrace them and move forward. We must keep an open mind and look for new streams of revenue as the medium that we use to transmit our work continues to change.
Work Cited
Blount, Roy Jr's op-ed piece “The Kindle Swindle?” New York Times website in the opinion section. published: Feb. 24 2009. URL = “ _r=1”
Most of my trips to the writing center have been positive experiences.
That STUPID Stop Light!!!!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Global Warming My (bleep)
Christmas Parties!
No more class
Friday, December 11, 2009
I really enjoyed this picture. The author is implying that the polar bear is angry that the polar ice caps are melting so he is rowing by all of the large companies that are dumping out black pollution into the once sun filled sky. The polar bear also has some petitions bundled up on the iceberg, to get the law involved with, what he thinks is a very big problem.
-Nathaniel Hawthorne
We got this quote from Dr. Westover in class one day and I absolutetly love it. I love words! I love listening to people who speak very eloquently and use words like...eloquen. I like to hear new words and find out what they mean. I try to incorporate new words into my vocabulary all the time. I have a game on my ipod that brings up a word of the day, and I enjoy it. I encourage everyone to start noticing words and to try to discover their meaning.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Visual Rhetoric
When I first saw this picture I laughed. The author is obviously trying to get his point across that steroid use in baseball is being overlooked. The baseball player has a tatoo on his arm dedicated to his 'mom' implying that he's a mommas boy and is innocent, and maybe implying that he's a dufus and a meathead.
These are just a couple elements of this comic, so post your comments too!
Steroids in Baseball
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The great end
almost the end of the semester
almost to the final draft.....
Genre Translation Project
Because my topic is on whether or not vaccination should me mandatory and whether or not vaccines are worth it, I decided to include a number of pictures of children who have died from vaccine preventable diseases. I included pictures of babies, toddlers, school age children, and teens to show that disease kills all ages and not just certain ages. Hopefully this will show that diseases really do kill many people. Not getting vaccinated could kill anyone. I also included a video clip of a news cast that shows how a lot of unvaccinated people have died from measles. I hope that my presentation will be effective and impactful and that the other students in my class will get something positive out of it. I also hope everyone can learn that vaccines save lives and are worth it. My project in nearly finished and I am now ready to present it. I am actually excited about it and I am looking forward presenting it.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Death by Genre Translation
Let It Snow?
Final weeks
Sunday, December 6, 2009
I'm amazed that I don't carry any scars from that day.
I was headed up to the North side of the street to make my run. When I heard a loud roar. Well, louder than the current roar of the wind storm. I had my sail just hanging behind me. The micro burst picked me up, and through me on my back. A little frightened, I kept playing. A few runs later. I was at the North side of the street just starting my run. As soon as I opened my sail, I heard it: The sound of another micro burst. In a flash, my sail was fully opened and I was cruising down the street. To fast, I was going way to fast. I couldn't see. In an attempt to regain visibility I lowed my hands to bring the top of my sail down a little bit. Doing so let my sail drag a little on the road. My blades caught and rode up onto the bottom of my sail, and down I went with my arms held out by the sail. I slid on the left side of my face for about 10 to 15 feet. With my arms held out by my sail the only thing between my face and the road was the sail / army blanket. The skin on the left side of my face was trashed, and I even had some road rash on my chest. I'm glad that I don't carry any scars from that day. Looking back, a release on my make shift sail or at least not tying it to my wrists and ankles would have been genius.
I'm gonna wrap this up because it's going a little long for a blog. I hope that you enjoyed my little story.
Had we have lost Majbrit to the river, I would have never forgiven myself.
So after playing in the cold river for a while we all started making our way back across the river. I noticed my friend Jared rather nervously helping Majbrit cross the river so I made my way over to help them out. As I reach them Jared looses his footing, and hands Majbrit off to me as he's swept down stream. As I begin to help Majbrit across the river I come to realize how frightened she is. After a few more careful steps we both loose our footing. Quickly I regain a solid foothold as the river tries to rip Majbrit from my hands. I try to pull her to me, but the current is to strong. After a few more moments of fighting the current with no avail I lift her up out of the water and then pull her to me. When I set her on her feet she collapsed backward into me. It was at this point that I realized just how dangerous the situation was. She was paralytic with fear and could hardly stand. In no state to swim for her life in a fast moving river. After tightening my grip around her we continued to carefully cross the river. A few more steps and down we both went again. We cruised down stream a bit and rode the rapid part of the current to the side of the river. Then I gave her a final toss out of the faster current and into a slower part of the river toward the open arms of her boyfriend.
Well that's my story about playing in the Diamond Fork River. A fun but rather dangerous act.I'm glad that no one was hurt. I really need to be more aware of the danger that I may inadvertently lead people into.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Writting Lab Dilemna
Okay, I will admit it, I have been procrastinating going to the Writing Lab. So last week I decided that I would finally go. I called to schedule an appointment and they said that the only available time they had was on Thursday at 3:00. I decided that this time would work for me and signed up. Well Thursday came and I woke up feeling sick. I knew that I needed to go to the lab, but there was no way I was going to make it feeling as ill as I did. I called the lab once again and asked if I could switch my appointment to Friday or Saturday. Now here is the problem, since it is almost the ends of the semester, many students also need to go the Writing Lab, so they were totally booked! I asked if they had any opening for the following Monday and as fate has it, they said they didn’t know yet and that I should call back on Friday when they would have their Monday schedule available. So on Friday I called first thing in the morning. I tried three times and I ended up getting voice mail each time. Finally on the fourth attempt someone finally picked up and I got another appointment made. Let’s all pray that something won’t come up that will make me unable to make it again! Here is my advice, if you know you have to go to the Writing Lab, don’t wait until the last minute to do so.
I know a friend of a friend that knows another guy
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Arguing Research
Text messaging
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Why is everyone else so excited?
Sunday, November 22, 2009
I know that we haven’t talked about visual rhetorical techniques for awhile, but I still find myself thinking about this topic. Last week, when I went to the mall I happened to walk past the store Hollister. After walking in and looking around, I don’t think that this store uses visual rhetorical techniques in an effective way. The store is sort of built to look like a shack that is being rained upon. The colors and lights are dark and it doesn’t look very inviting. It also seems as if the store draws people away rather than welcoming them. Before I knew what products were sold at this store, I told myself I was never going to shop there because I got the image that the store was for the goth/emo type (sort of like Hot Topic), which I do not like. After all, wouldn’t you do the same? I mean I would much rather shop at a store that is warm and inviting with lots of bright colors rather than some sad and gloomy looking store that tends to drive me away. After learning more about the items that the store sells though, I finally talked myself into going inside and I bought a few items. Personally I think that Hollister should have designed their store differently with a lot more bright colors and lights. This way the store looks more inviting and it is not shying away potential customers, which is how the way they are presenting the store is doing now.
Research Paper
When Dr. Westover mentioned that we would be writing a research paper, I got a little nervous. Research papers are always hard for me to write and I never enjoy writing them. Starting the whole process for my paper was difficult. I started out with the topic of hunger and poverty in the United States. After searching for books, articles, and other research materials I didn’t find a lot of helpful information about the topic. I ended up switching my topic to whether or not daycare centers should be required to be licensed or not. I thought this topic would be a good choice because I have worked in daycare centers before, and I am interested in this subject. I searched for many hours about that subject and once again I didn’t find enough useful information. I was so frustrated, stressed, and overwhelmed by that point that I just wanted to give up. After talking about my frustrations with my mom, she suggested that I write my paper on the controversies about whether or not vaccination should be mandatory. I liked her suggestion because it is something I care about and have been questioning lately. Also since that topic is being discussed a lot lately with the H1N1 vaccination, I knew that I would most likely find a lot of information about it. Ultimately, I decided I would write my paper about this topic. I searched for information and ended up finding a lot of useful materials. I am now excited to write this paper and I am not so overwhelmed and frustrated.
A blog of my choosing,
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
My last blog.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
writing habits
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Too Much...
Monday, November 2, 2009
A typical day in english class..
10 Habits
Sunday, November 1, 2009
10 writing habits
blog of my choice
Saturday, October 31, 2009
My research paper
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
10 Writing Habits
I require a peaceful space from which to create.
free from loud noises and other distractions. I employed the idea-mapping technique
while writing one paper and I was really happy with the result. The idea map helped
me to organize my thoughts before I started my rough draft. It also helped me to decide
whether I had enough supporting information to backup my claims. I also try to schedule
my time by planning for drafting, revising, and editing, but it doesn't always
work out for me. My fluctuating work schedule contributes to a difficult balancing act
of time management.
I also try to think rhetorically from the start, but to this end,
I could use improvement. I'm going to try and incorporate this technique
(perhaps more fully) into my next paper. As I revise, I'm also going to try to think
increasingly about the needs of my readers. I think these things will help me be a
more effective writer, or at least I hope that they will. Anyhow ,another blog down,
just 5 more to go. cya :)
10 habits!
Another blog of my choice..
My Writing Habits
One habit that I need to work on more is to know when to stop. I tend to be a perfectionist and I want my paper to be perfect. I proof read and edit my papers many times and never know when my paper is good enough and when to stop working on it. I rewrite, erase, and add ideas that may or may not be needed. If I work on this habit more, I think it will take away the stresses that I have about having a good paper and it will make my satisfaction of the papers I write to be “good enough.”
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Developing habits
A habit that I really need to develop is to reduce my expectations on the early drafts. When I try to do the paper perfect from the beginning I get writer’s block every time. I’ve lost important ideas because I didn’t put them down on paper fast enough or because I felt they wouldn’t “fit in” at first. I think that free writing would help me with that also.
10 Habbits
Monday, October 26, 2009
My feelings on the opinion peice.
My Habit
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Opinion Piece
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The Forever Long Search
The paper I am writing about talks about things people worry about when they don't really make up that much of a percentage. If you look at it as a whole the deaths caused from animals isn't even comparable to those caused by suicide or even disease. I think the author makes a good point on this. We should be more worried about disease that is one of the top leading causes of death compared to the hundreds maybe thousands of deaths from animals. Suicide is actually in the top five causes of death worldwide and this was amazing to me. I like learning things like that because it really gets me thinking. It helps me apply it to real life situations.
The challenge of arguing
I consider myself a spiritual-minded person; I love pondering about things in life that usually are inexplicable or don’t have answers. Because of that, I think that I’m more attracted to pieces of writing that help me find the answers to those questions and also help me be a better person. For some reason I like drama, it feels that when there is drama in my life, is when I learn the most. I also love anything that inspires me and is uplifting in some way. Narratives on a piece of writing also tend to have a greater effect on me. In contrast, when I feel that my values are threatened by somebody’s argument, I tend to get defensive and that might be the only time you’ll find me arguing about something. It’s been challenging to have to argue about something. I always associated arguing with fighting for some reason and I don’t like fights.
The search for an opinion peice worth reading
Welcome to my journey to find an opinion.
To find my opinion piece I needed to take a journey within a sort of soul searching adventure to find what it is that makes me tick, and what if anything would grab my interest in a way that I could write a “strong” response to. Typically I am laid back relaxed individual who can see the positive side to almost any situation. So I figured that whatever I might find I would probably agree at least in part with what they were arguing.
As I searched for a piece I found that most things just didn’t grab me. Logos is neat I always enjoy learning new facts but not to the point that it truly ignites me. And a solid use of Ethos never hurts I enjoy knowing that the person writing has something to back them up; be it experience or whatever the case may be. But I believe what rhetoric is best fit to lure me in so to speak Pathos if you start to talk to my emotional side I really react to that. And it doesn’t seem to matter which emotion is evoked: anger, sorrow, humor. They are appealing to each in its own unique way. I really enjoyed this assignment and learning more about myself as I searched to find my opinion.