Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Have I made the right choice to come back to school?

Well here we are at the beginning of the fall semester. And I can't help but wonder, have I made the right decision to come back to college? Am I wasting my time learning information that I may or may not use in the real world? At this point I'm not sure. And I wonder how many other people consider this same dilemma. I think that this is an important question, because it addresses why I'm doing what I'm doing right now. Well, let me consider my motivations: to learn new things, to meet new people, and so I can make more money in a more interesting and more fulfilling career. My current job pays pretty good. But it gives me no satisfaction, other than a paycheck. And it provides my with no mental challenge. It's safe to say that I don't want to make a career out of my current job.

If while here in college, all I did was learn new things, I would not consider my time wasted. In answer to my own question, yes I think that I made the right choice in coming back to school. I'm glad that I decided to come back to college. And I'm happy to share a classroom with you fine people. Hopefully this class can help me to grow as a writer, and succeed as a student.

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