Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My great life as a UVU student

This is my second semester here at UVU and I enjoy it. Last semester I did a lot of playing and only took two serious classes and had three play classes. I had no worries. My school was paid for through a grant, so I didn't need a job very badly. I figured I could just take my time through school. I was even working out with the UVU wrestling team and I would probably be wrestling with the team this year. But a lot has happened this summer that has made me decide that I need to be more serious. On June 26th I got married to my sweetheart. It has been a blast being married. But with school I am taking 4 hard classes and she is also taking classes full time. And on top of that we both work to pay the bills. So that is what I struggle with is being away from my wife. I am gone from 7:40 am to 9:00 pm every school day, than she normally works on the weekend as well. The good part is my wife and I are very good at using are time wisely. so we don't feel as overwhelmed as most people probably would. You know a lot of my dreams as a single guy being on the wrestling team and playing through college have come to an end. I wouldn't change what I got now for anything.

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